برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن النجاح

برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن النجاح

برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن النجاح
مما لا شك فيه ان كل شخص يتمني ان يحقق النجاح في كافة جوانب الحياة سواء كانت العملية او الاسرية او الاجتماعية او الدينيه. وهنا سنتعرف على اهم معايير النجاح في برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن النجاح.
Hello … My name is … I will present to you today a topic about success, I hope you will like it. I will answer all questions at the end with pleasure.
Success is the goal of all people, and success in life includes many aspects, such as success in study, work, family and social relationships, and success in the world in general,which needs patience and perseverance, and the main reasons for success in life are the following:
Setting specific goals: Successful human has specific goals to achieve in the short and long term. Short-term goals are usually mini-goals to reach the larger goal.
For example, obtaining a PhD in English literature requires several goals, the least of which is to obtain a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree.
These goals require a range of other goals, such as passing exams, preparing reports, Thus, a person feels a goal in his life seeks to it, which gives him motivation for progress and achievement.
Developing Skills Continually: Our world is witnessing many different aspects of development. Devices and inventions are renewed every day, man must therefore be familiar with these inventions, in addition to developing skills in various aspects, such as communication skills, language learning and others.
Optimism and self-confidence: which are the factors that help to succeed . If you fail, you must try again, not surrender, and work hard to correct the mistakes you have made to avoid failure.
Escorting the Successful persons: The companion has the greatest impact on the human ambition, escorting the losers increases human frustration and pessimism, while accompanying the successful person increases hope, motivation, and self-confidence.
Helping others: helping others brings inner satisfaction and psychological comfort, which push you to give more, and thus become more productive, and you will receive the satisfaction of God and the love of people, which means success in social and religious life.
Avoid vanity: Humans should enjoy humility no matter how high they are. When a person is tempted by himself, and thinks that he has reached a great amount, does not continue in the achievement and giving. Thus the others develop , and he remains where he is, and gradually turns into a failed person.
Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the topic. If you have any questions, I will answer them with pleasure.
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Source: برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن النجاح – مدونة المناهج السعودية