برزنتيشن عن المعالم السياحية لمدينة مسقط بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن المعالم السياحية لمدينة مسقط بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن المعالم السياحية لمدينة مسقط بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن المعالم السياحية لمدينة مسقط بالانجليزي
تعتبر مدينة مسقط من اجمل المدن العربية واكثرها نظافة على الاطلاق وهنا سنتعرف على المعالم السياحية لمدينة مسقط والتي تجذب اليها العديد من السياح. كل تلك المعلومات هنا في برزنتيشن عن مسقط بالانجليزي وستجد ايضا مقدمة وخاتمة وكل ما عليك فعله هو ارفاق المحتوي ببعض الصور التوضيحية باستخدام باور بوينت.
Hello … My name is … I will present to you today a topic about Muscat, I hope you will like it. I will answer all questions in the end with pleasure.
City of Muscat
Muscat is the capital of the Sultanate of Oman. It is the largest city in terms of population. Statistics of the 2015 census indicate that its population exceeds 156,000 people, spread over an area of 3500 km2.
Muscat occupies a distinct geographical position in the southern part of the Batinah coast, at the Gulf of Oman, specifically between the Gulf of Oman and the Eastern Hajar Mountains, and enjoys a warm and dry climate; its summer is long and dry, but its winter is a little rainy and warm.
The city of Muscat is a prominent place in the country; it is the life, economy, financial and business center of the Sultanate, as well as its political and administrative center.
Muscat has also been able to win the title of the cleanest Arab capital several times, and it is considered a landmark distinguishing it from other capitals, so that cleanliness has become an integral part of its public landscape, and note this in detail in the distinctive sites, specifically the historical castles of Jalali and Mirani.
Information on Muscat city
Muscat’s history dates back more than 900 years. And was famous for its historical role over time in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in the early Islamic era; It is said to be one of the most important commercial centers in terms of its distinctive strategic location.
In Muscat, a combination of civilization and history is taking place, you can see this through its ancient houses and markets.
When you visit it you will know its ancient history and authentic civilization as soon as you see the buildings in it. From its ancient markets, it shows the finest historical stories, and the neighborhoods reflect the modern life of white houses, and streets with infrastructure planned in a modern urban style.
Touristic attractions
The town of Sifa: This town is surrounded by a fortress that overlooks the sea on the one hand, and the valley on the other, known as the fortress of Sifa, in addition to surrounded by old walls, which were built as a defensive line ; to fortify the city and protect it from external aggression.
The walls of Muscat: It has three main entrances: Bab al-Muthaib in the western corner, while the second section is known as the Great at the end of the western side of the walls, and is the entrance that connected to most suburbs of Muscat, and the third door is known as the small, comes in the middle of the southern side.
Archaeological houses: The number of ancient houses is about five houses, namely Mr. Nader’s Jeriza, Mr. Abbas bin Faisal and others, in addition to the villages of Jissah, Khiran and Al-Sifa, and a number of tourist sites.
Al-Khiran Beach: It hosts a number of sea-mangroves, as well as its blue water, and its high mountains.
Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If you have questions, I will answer them with pleasure.
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Source: برزنتيشن عن المعالم السياحية لمدينة مسقط بالانجليزي – مدونة المناهج السعودية