تصريف الفعل breathe يتنفس , يحي
تصريف الفعل breathe يتنفس , يحي
تصريف الفعل breathe يتنفس , يحي
تصريف الفعل breathe يتنفس , يحي
تصريف الفعل breathe يتنفس , يحي

المضارع او المصدر
التصريف الثالث
صيغة الـ ing
استخدامات الفعل breathe مع جميع الازمنة الانجليزية
Simple Present Tense
زمن المضارع البسيط
I breathe
You breathe
He breathes
She breathes
It breathes
We breathe
You breathe
They breathe
لا يفوتك تحميل تطبيقنا المجاني الشامل والذي سوف يغنيك عن كل شي حيث سوف يبدء معك من مستوى الاحرف الانجليزية ويستمر معك الى مستوى الاحتراف بأذن الله مع اختبارات تفاعلية متعددة وشرح مفصل لكل صغيرة وكبيرة علما ان جميع الدروس والمقاطع الصوتية تعمل بدون الحاجة الى الانترنت. ولاتنسى تقيم التطبيق اذا كنت بالفعل حملته على جهازك
تطبيق الايفون تطبيق الاندرويد
Simple Past Tense
زمن الماضي البسيط
I breathed
You breathed
He breathed
She breathed
It breathed
We breathed
You breathed
They breathed
Simple Future Tense
زمن المستقبل البسيط
I will breathe
You will breathe
He will breathe
She will breathe
It will breathe
We will breathe
You will breathe
They will breathe
Present Perfect Tense
زمن المضارع التام
I have breathed
You have breathed
He has breathed
She has breathed
It has breathed
We have breathed
You have breathed
They have breathed
Past Perfect Tense
زمن الماضي التام
I had breathed
You had breathed
He had breathed
She had breathed
It had breathed
We had breathed
You had breathed
They had breathed
Future Perfect Tense
زمن المستقبل التام
I will have breathed
You will have breathed
He will have breathed
She will have breathed
It will have breathed
We will have breathed
You will have breathed
They will have breathed
Present Continuous Tense
زمن المضارع المستمر
I am breathing
You are breathing
He is breathing
She is breathing
It is breathing
We are breathing
You are breathing
They are breathing
Past Continuous Tense
زمن الماضي المستمر
I was breathing
You were breathing
He was breathing
She was breathing
It was breathing
We were breathing
You were breathing
They were breathing
Future Continuous Tense
زمن المستقبل المستمر
I will be breathing
You will be breathing
He will be breathing
She will be breathing
It will be breathing
We will be breathing
You will be breathing
They will be breathing
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
زمن المضارع التام المستمر
I have been breathing
You have been breathing
He has been breathing
She has been breathing
It has been breathing
We have been breathing
You have been breathing
They have been breathing
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
زمن الماضي التام المستمر
I had been breathing
You had been breathing
He had been breathing
She had been breathing
It had been breathing
We had been breathing
You had been breathing
They had been breathing
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
زمن المستقبل التام المستمر
I will have been breathing
You will have been breathing
He will have been breathing
She will have been breathing
It will have been breathing
We will have been breathing
You will have been breathing
They will have been breathing