برزنتيشن عن الصحة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن الصحة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن الصحة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن الصحة بالانجليزي
الصحة تاج على رؤس الاصحاء يجب ان يحافظ عليها كل انسان, فالصحة سبب من اسباب السعادة الحقيقية ولا يعرف قيمتها الا من فقدها. كل ذلك ستعرفه هنا في برزنتيشن عن الصحة بالانجليزي. كل ما عليك فعله هو ارفاق المحتوي ببعض الصور التوضيحية باستخدام باور بوينت.
Hello … My name is … I will present to you today a topic about the health, I hope you will like it. I will answer all your questions at the end with all pleasure.
The health
Health is the condition of man free of diseases, when he achieves safety in his body and mind. As defined in the World Health Organization’s definition of health in 1978 as “the state of complete physical, mental and social integrity, not just lack of disease or disability”.
Types of Health
Health is divided into several sections that cooperate together and affect each other. These sections are as follows:
Physical health: refers to the body’s various organs, and is specialized in the five senses that enable the person to interact with the surrounding environment.
psychcological health: It is about feelings and feelings, whether positive or negative.
Mental health: is about ideas, actions and beliefs, So that the person has ideas of his own to support him in looking at himself with a positive outlook.
Spiritual health: It is about the person’s relationship with himself and his creations and goals for life and his relationship with God Almighty.
Ways to maintain health
Belief in the existence of God and trust him to maintain the integrity of spiritual health, which is only upright by following the Creator.
Eat healthy balanced food that contains all the nutrients that the body needs to enable cells to do their functions properly, we have to focus on food on vegetables and fruits as well as on red and white meat, seafood, legumes, milk and dairy products. And you must stay away from fatty foods, which contain a lot of fat and cholesterol, it harms the body,and away from meals filled with harmful substances and flavors.
Stay away from taking drugs, alcohol, smoking and anything that may harm physical, mental and psychological health.
Relax and think in a positive way away from the negative outlook of the soul and the surroundings.
Stay away from anger because it is the entrance of Satan’s entrances and the person loses control over himself.
Stay away from excessive anxiety and tension and ease the different pressures of life, and the allocation of times for recreation .
Take enough sleep each day and stay away from body stress by working long hours at night.
Stay away from pathogens such as places where viruses, epidemics and places gather people together, and maintain personal hygiene constantly.
Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If you have any questions, I will answer them with all pleasure.
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Source: برزنتيشن عن الصحة بالانجليزي – مدونة المناهج السعودية