برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي
تعد القهوة من المشروبات الساخنة المعروفة والمحبوبه في العالم كله , وهنا سنقدم برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي نتعرف من خلاله على كل المعلومات عن القهوة, وستجد ايضا مقدمة وخاتمة للموضوع , كل ما عليك فعله هو ارفاق المحتوي ببعض الصور التوضيحية مستخدما باور بوينت.
Hello; how are you today? hope you feel good. my name is …… and I will be happy to introduce a presentation about Coffee today; I hope you will like it. If you have any questions; please do not be shy, I will answer them with all pleasure at the end.
Coffee is a drink made from a group of small grains called coffee, coffee is a hot drink may be drunk with or without sugar, and at present there are many ways in which coffee is made, especially with the spread of many types.
The first appearance of coffee was in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, and specifically in Yemen where the people are baking coffee beans, until it becomes ready to grind, and then boil it with water.
In the fifteenth century AD, Turkish travelers discovered it, and transported it to Turkey, called it Turkish coffee. And then moved to Italy to make many kinds of Italian coffee.
And spread in Britain through a Turkish immigrant opened a coffee shop, Thus, Arabic coffee has produced all kinds of coffee known in the world.
Coffee like any other plants, contains benefits and damages, so be careful to drink it moderately to get the benefits and avoid damage as much as possible.
Benefits of coffee
Controls cholesterol levels in the blood.
Protects the heart from exposure to diseases, especially heart attack; due to oxygen deficiency in the arteries.
Help stimulate mental activity to do tasks and multiple actions.
Reduce cancer rates, prevent cancer cells from growing and spread.
Maintains the liver and protects it from cirrhosis.
Contribute to the treatment of headache.
Coffee damages
It is a stimulant to raise blood pressure, so blood pressure patients should avoid taking it .
Prevents absorption of the iron element in the blood, and therefore the person who drinks it continuously may be exposed to a decrease in the proportion of iron in his blood.
Drinking too much coffee can lead to osteoporosis.
When using fatty substances with coffee, such as chocolate may lead to gain weight .
Mixing coffee with tobacco during smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer.
Coffee contains caffeine, which causes insomnia, and inability to sleep.
Coffee types
Coffee has a group of famous species, which spread in most countries of the world, including:
Arabic coffee: is the first origin of all types of coffee in the world and is widely consumed by Arabs in most occasions and daily events.
Turkish coffee: is the coffee that appeared in the days of Ottoman rule over Turkey and is considered a famous coffee.
American coffee: is the coffee that you drink with the addition of milk to it, and is drunk in the early morning.
That all what I have today, and I hope that you enjoyed my presentation today.If you have any questions, please do not feel shy.
Source: برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي – مدونة المناهج السعودية