برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي
يعتبر برج خليفة محطما للارقام القياسية في العديد من الاشياء وهو اعلى برج شيده انسان في العالم, وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي.
Hello, my name is…….today I will make a presentation about Burj Khalifa. I hope you will like it. If you have any questions please do not be shy; I will answer all your questions at the end of the presentation with all pleasure.
Burj Khalifa
Length of Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa, the tallest man-made tower in the United Arab Emirates, is 829.6 meters above ground, The building was inaugurated on January 9, 2010 .
The tower was built of steel and concrete and was designed to promote tourism and diversify the economy based on the oil industry.
Burj Khalifa has approximately 30,000 residences and an industrial lake of 121,405.6 square meters, a parking lot, 19 residential towers, nine hotels and a shopping mall.
Burj Khalifa
The construction of Burj Khalifa started in 2004. The building occupies an area of 557418.24 square meters and contains approximately 1,044 apartments.
The tower has the highest mosque in the world on the 158th floor and the world’s highest observation deck on the 124th floor and the highest level pool on the 76th floor.
The tower is expected to consume approximately 946,000 liters of water per day, and electricity consumption is expected to reach about 50 MVA.
The tower contains 54 elevators that can work at 65 km per hour.
The name Burj Dubai has been used to indicate the tower, but the name has been changed to Burj Khalifa in honor of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler of Abu Dhabi.
The tower is estimated to cost about $ 1.5 billion and is part of the $ 20 billion redevelopment program in downtown Dubai. The tower was inaugurated in 2010.
Facts about Burj Khalifa
The total tower area is 4 million square meters, while its height is 828 meters.
The number of floors of the tower is 200 floors, except that the 160th floor is the highest inhabited floor.
The tower has 49 office floors.
The tower can be seen 95 km away.
The number of underground parking stands at 3,000.
The gardens surrounding the tower are 19 hectares and the fountains adjacent to the tower are 900 ft.
The number of workers who were present during the construction process was 12 thousand workers and engineers of different nationalities.
The tower features the highest mosque, the highest restaurant, the highest swimming pool, the highest terrace and the highest dining restaurant, the Atmosphere Restaurant on the 122nd floor.
The tower has 57 electrical elevators, 600 m / min. This requires 55 seconds to reach a height of 500 m. The main elevator can carry a load of 5,500 kg.
Thank you for your kind attention, if you have any questions I`m ready to answer them all with pleasure.
Source: برزنتيشن عن برج خليفة بالانجليزي – مدونة المناهج السعودية